Dancing in the rain

Dressed to impress, Jan busting some dance moves in the rain. We are looking forward to some sun as I am sure the plants are as well especially the tomatoes.
Customised Veggie Boxes proving popular

Choosing the quantity and type of veg you would like has been popular for many. The only down side is remembering to place your order each week/fortnight Whereas the set seasonal box can be set up on subscription and just turns up on your door step weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Click link for customised orders.
Wisewater On Farm Organic Market Update

Home deliveries of organic veggie boxes

After much planning our chiller truck is supporting a new outfit which is getting a few toots when we are out doing deliveries. Home deliveries of veggie are on Thursdays in the local Tauranga region. Orders elsewhere go by overnight courier. (see t & c's)
Grateful to be interviewed by the Weekend Sun
vege box vegetable box vegetables veggie box

Click link to read article - Wisdom of Organic Gardending